Element Library


The Playpress Element Library is a set of rules and elemental building blocks that we use to build the Playpress website. It doubles as a test bed where we can see in one place the impact of changes we make.

Look and feel rules

We follow a set of look and feel rules to maintain consistency and create a coherent experience for customers.

We layer the look and feel on to the default styles of the browser.


We use:

To ensure readable type, we:

We only set the font size on childless nodes to avoid compounding.


We generate our colours on a perceptually uniform scale using the Lab colour space.

We then represent these colours using HSL notation as this is the most human readable format currently available in browsers.

Colour assignments

For each theme, we assign our colours to abstractions which we use in our elements.

To be accessible, we follow the standard convention that:

For consistency across dark and light themes, we use lighter colours for elevation.

We use these colours in 5% increments of opaqueness.


We size vertical space around text using the Minor Third scale, relative to the font size. Other space, we size (roughly) in powers of two, e.g. 2, 4, 8, 16 and so on.


We embrace the browser’s default of Flow Layout. We then responsibly enhance with layout modules like Grid, Flex and Multicol.


Elements are the building block of our websites.

Elements have a look, feel and behaviour that people expect, e.g. links are underlined and can be opened in a new tab, unlike buttons.

We use two types of elements:

HTML elements

There are over one hundred elements in HTML.

Content sectioning

We section content using the article, aside, footer, heading, header, nav, main, section, address and br elements.


Address line 1
Address line 2


Text content

We organise text content into blocks using the dl, ol, ul, li, dt, dd, p, div, hr, figure, figcaption, blockquote, q, cite and pre elements.

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3
Description list title 1
Description list details 1
Description list title 2
Description list details 2



- Cite

Inline text semantics

We add semantics to inline text using the a, abbr, b, strong, code, data, dfn, em, i, kbd, mark, s, samp, small, span, sub, sup, time, u, var and wbr elements.

This is a link.

This is underlined .

This text has a strikethrough.

Abbreviation: HTML

This is emphasised.

And this is strong.

This is in italics.

And this is in bold.

The mark element indicates a highlight.

The app said: Eat your veggies.

Small is for legal.

The chemical formula of water: H2O.

This text is superscripted.

A simple equation: x = y + 2.

Type the following in the Run dialog: cmd.

This is code: var i = 0;.

Image and Multimedia

We add images and multimedia using the audio, img, track and video elements.


Embedded Content

We embed other content using the embed, iframe, object, picture and source elements.

By combining the picture and source elements, we can offer:



We add dynamic content using scripting and the canvas, noscript and script elements.

Alternative content

Demarcating Edits

We demarcate edits using the del and ins elements.

This text has been deleted, here is the rest of the paragraph.

Normal text and some inserted text.

Table Content

We construct tables using the table, caption, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, and tr elements.

Table head 1 Table head 2
Table body table data 1 Table body table data 2
Table foot table data 1 Table foot table data 2


We build forms using the form, button, datalist, option, fieldset, input, label, legend, meter, select, optgroup, output, progress, and textarea elements.


We avoid:

When using a button, we:


Interactive Elements

We add further interactivity using the details, summary and dialog elements.

Details summary

Details content

Dialog content

Custom elements

There is a standard set of custom elements for interacting with websites that are understood by customers.

We build on top of these standards and conventions.


We avoid using a back link element as this functionality is available in the browser.

We design the main navigation last as it's unlikely to be seen on smaller viewports.


We use this element so that keyboard customers can tab to the main content.

(Focus element to reveal)Skip to main content

We use this element so that customers can move back through pages and orientate themselves.


We use this element so that customers can move side-ways through pages.


We use this element so that customers can move forward through content.


We also use this element so that customers can move forward through content, but it's promoted in more detail than with the signpost element.


Call out

We use this element to call out content to customers.




We use this element to provide input hints to customers.



We use this element to inform customers of a per-field error.



Error summary

We use this element to summarise a collection errors for customers.

There is a problem

  • Enter your full name
  • Select your preference